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(Awakening Respect and Compassion for all Sentient Beings)
ARC 5th Annual Vegan Chili Cook-Off! 
Sunday, March 23rd, 2025
1-4 pm @ Oyster City Mobile


Chicken Farming in America, A Deadly Industry
A Webinar Series Beginning May, 2021

Chicken Farming in America, an Overview, with Erica Meier

A film about the interconnection of all beings and our planet...It's a film about justice, compassion and saving our world.
"Beautifully done! Thank you & those who are trying so hard to help change our uncompassionate world."

Click here for a recording of the event!

Too often African-American communities lack access to healthy foods as well as facing other obstacles to proper nutrition and health care. In recognition that Black Lives Matter, and that African Americans experience disproportionately high rates of certain diseases such as Heart Disease, Diabetes 2, high blood pressure, and certain cancers, among others, and that these underlying conditions have also predisposed African Americans to experiencing more serious complications and death rates from Covid 19; and furthermore, that these conditions can often be prevented and even reversed through a whole- foods, plant-based diet, ARC is offering a plant- based nutrition and cooking scholarship that will be awarded to an individual of color in Lower Alabama to try to help address some of these inequities.

Scholarship includes full tuition for a six week online nutrition class offered through eCornel as well as an internet-based cooking and nutrition class offered through the Forks over Knives website. Both of these courses are of the highest quality and offer certifications upon completion. Total value of the scholarship is approximately $1650.

Upon completion of these two certificate-based courses, grantee will be qualified to lead private and community courses in plant-based nutrition and cooking. One condition of the scholarship is that the grantee will agree to provide at least four free community based, plant-based nutrition and cooking classes in the year following completion of the program, with the full financial support of ARC.

To read the full course descriptions, click HERE

Time commitment: 6 weeks, 5-7 hrs/wk

Forks Over Knives "Ultimate" Cooking Class:

Time commitment: 55 hrs over 90 day period.

We Are So Happy to Announce Our Winner:
Anitra Jarreau, RN!
Anitra is a registered nurse and group fitness instructor with a long history of being committed to health and justice both for herself and for her community. After completing the Forks over Knives cooking class and the eCornel nutrition certification, Anitra will be offering several community classes, so watch out for details! Please join us in congratulating Anitra! You earned this! And we are so honored to be able to support you in your personal wellness journey and your community focused vision to lift up others and make sure that all people, regardless of color or ZIP Code, have access to healthy foods and proper nutrition.
Sylvia's Story
When an ARC member asked us to save a pregnant "beef" cow on the way to the stockyards, we weren't sure how to help. Thanks to Full Circle Farm Sanctuary who was able to take her, Sylvia will now live out her life, with her calf, and all the other rescued animals at the sanctuary, in peace and freedom, surrounded by gentle loving friends, as all beings deserve.

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"A human being is a part of the whole, called by us, 'Universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest -- a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

-Albert Einstein

 Awakening Respect and Compassion For All Sentient Beings (ARC) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization based in the Deep South (Mobile, AL) whose mission is to raise awareness about the impact our daily choices have on other species and the environment, as well as our own health, to inspire compassion for all sentient beings, and to guide, lead, and inspire positive transformation to create a more sustainable, compassionate, just, and healthy world for us all. Join us! 

Grateful for the generous support of The Pollination Project, who helps make our work possible!